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The Skin Cliniq

Understanding the White Disease

Certain diseases do not take life but ruin it. Vitiligo is one such disease with considerable psychosocial distress especially more noticeable in darker skinned individual. It is a common scenario where a patient enters a Dermatologist clinic with a panic,Doc, I have a white patch,do something to take it off... Vitiligo is not a dreadful disease but the mere diagnosis creates a havoc to the family . Vitiligo is an ancient disease with an element of stigma deep rooted to destroy the prospects of marriage and marital discord. Childhood vitiligo markedly affects the self esteem of the child with longlasting effect on the overall growth and personality development

Vitiligo is a disease of the pigmentary system affecting 0.5-1% of the population. The exact cause is compex ,often an interplay of genetic, environmental and subtle alterations in the immune system that destroys the pigment cells (melanocytes)is noted. Although, Most vitiligo patients donot have a family history, 30% of the have an affected family member. Child with an affected parent has around 5-7% of acquiring the disease.White patches appearing in the skin may remain confined to the site or may spread rapidly to other areas . The course of the disease is unpredictable and the severity varies from person to person. It is not a serious disease and doesnot spread from person to person ( non contagious).

Vitiligo is now curable to a larger extent with growing list of novel drugs. The choice of treatment depends on the extent, size and site of the patches .Sun protection is important as the white patches donot tan but burn. Steroids, immunomodulatory creams and phototherapy helps patients to regain the color. Newer surgical techniques like skin grafting and cell transplantation has given excellent treatment outcome in resistant stable cases with no tendency to spread. The tiny bits of normal skin or the seperated cell suspension is transplanted into the white patches to spread the pigment cells. Hair follicle transplantation is the latest novel modality with amazing results even in long standing vitiligo.

Vitiligo patients are just differently colored, let us add color to their life by understanding the disease to dispel the myths and eliminate the stigma.

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